5.0js_loader About Us - Mentor Merlin

About Us

Improving Lives

Through Learning

Start to success

Global leader in Mentoring the nurses across the globe

Mentor Merlin is an all in one solution for nurses anywhere in the world who dreams to work as a registered nurse in the UK. We providing online tutorials for OET, NMC CBT and OSCE with 100% success rate and is considered as the global leader in this sector.

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Years of experience in
Education and Placement


Learners Enrolled in
MentorMerlin Courses

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Qualified Tutors and
Language Experts

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What Make Us Special?

Pioneers in OSCE and CBT materials with ever-evolving materials to meet the latest requirements of the NMC to retain the 100% success rate we maintain for 5 consecutive years. All in one solution for nurses across the globe aspiring to work as a registered nurses in the UK.
